
Oden is a fork of Deno that adds the pipeline (|>) operator. You can refer to the Deno docs for everything past installation.


Oden works on macOS, Linux, and Windows. Oden is a single binary executable. It has no external dependencies.

On macOS, both M1 (arm64) and Intel (x64) executables are provided. On Linux and Windows, only x64 is supported.

Download and install

oden_install provides convenience scripts to download and install the binary.

Using Shell (macOS and Linux):

curl -fsSL https://oden.dallin.pro/install.sh | sh

Using PowerShell (Windows):

iwr https://oden.dallin.pro/install.ps1 -useb | iex

Oden binaries can also be installed manually, by downloading a zip file at github.com/odenlang/oden-alphas/releases. These packages contain just a single executable file. You will have to set the executable bit on macOS and Linux.

Testing your installation

To test your installation, run oden --version. If this prints the Oden version to the console the installation was successful.

Use oden help to see help text documenting Oden's flags and usage. Get a detailed guide on the CLI here.